Thursday, March 15, 2012


* I think we're finally starting to recover from Daylight Savings Time. I know it's nothing new for the parents of small children to hate the time change more than the general population, but truly, it's baffling to me how moving the clock an hour later can cause our children to wake up three hours earlier than normal. Sunday went fine, with both children sleeping until their normal wakeup times, which were an hour later by the clock. But Monday morning, Alec woke up at 5, which his body should have thought was 4. K woke up some time between 3 and 4, and couldn't get back to sleep until around she finally collapsed in a three hour nap around 9. Tuesday, everyone overslept, then this morning, the kids were finally up at their normal times. Yeesh. All this from a one hour time shift?

* In other news, I'm giving birth April 23. That's less than six weeks from now. Eek. How did that happen? And our total baby preparation is that we finally settled on James as a first name, mostly because we couldn't think of anything better. Oh yes, I also bought a cute little outfit when we found out he's a boy. Oh, poor third child. I hope you don't mind your total lack of fanfare and new clothes.

Part of it is that we need to buy him a dresser, which we can't do until the weekend after next. Once we do that, it will feel worthwhile to pull out the newborn clothes because we'll have a place to put them. That will also make it necessary to do the bedroom rearranging we've been planning. And I suppose when we have the tubs of baby clothes out, I'll find the infant diapers and we can get those ready too.

* Moving plans have been put on hold due to complete lack of anything remotely good on the housing market at the moment. I'm getting a little sick of finding only 1) wildly overpriced houses, 2) houses that are only the square footage advertised if you include the roof, and 3) obvious scams (why yes, we'd love to rent your 4 bedroom house for $500 a month! We'll just mail that security deposit to you sight unseen). We've re-upped with a six month lease, so we'll see what things are like in August. Meanwhile, I'm hoping to get some major purging and rearranging done, which seems to be my version of nesting. I want to get a better homeschooling space set up, and finally finish cleaning up the basement so we can spend more time down there this summer.

And now that I have all of this planned, all I need to do now is find some energy and develop the ability to walk without feeling like my pelvis is going to fall apart.

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